Water Baptism May 9, 2021


Water Baptism is an expression of faith in Christ and is also a meaningful benchmark of commitment. Benchmarks in life serve as important points of reference that something really significant happened. Your birthday is a benchmark. Graduation day is a benchmark. Your wedding date is a benchmark. Water Baptism serves as a benchmark for believers.

Water Baptism is an outward sign of the inward reality of salvation. God designed water baptism as an act that meets our need for a meaningful expression of faith. Baptism is a purposeful experience in the life of a new believer, and it is a positive testimony of faith to those who witness it.

Jesus is the source of salvation. When we put our trust in Him, repent and receive forgiveness, and publicly testify to our faith, we are assured of salvation. Water Baptism then acts as a point of reference that we have completed what God has asked us to do in response to His offer of grace.

Jesus chose to be water baptized in order to fulfill all righteousness and carry out all that God requires. “Then Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. But John tried to talk Him out of it. ‘I am the one who needs to be baptized by you,’ he said, ‘so why are You coming to me?’ But Jesus said, ‘It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires.’” So John agreed to baptize Him (Matthew 3:13-15 NLT).”

Here is reason enough to be baptized: We are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Jesus didn’t need His sins forgiven—He was perfect—but He still thought water baptism important enough that He walked forty-plus miles to meet John at the Jordan River.

Will you follow His example and humbly yield your life to Jesus’ Lordship? If you are interested in carrying out what God requires regarding water baptism, please, contact Pastor Greg. Water Baptism is scheduled for Sunday, May 9, 2021 – Mother’s Day! What a great opportunity for your public expression of faith in Christ Jesus!