In-Person Worship on May 17


May 17 at 8:30AM and 10AM (ONE WEEK AWAY) will be our first Onsite Church Service since our break. We don’t have all the details set in stone, but here are our tentative plans.

We encourage higher-at-risk individuals to attend 8:30AM. To help protect this segment of our congregation, we ask no children attend this service (or adults who work in high risk environments). The 10AM service is open for anyone, including children.

Let’s keep everyone safe and healthy. We will practice physical distancing as mandated by the governor. Families may group and sit together. Please, use common courtesy and stay 6 feet away, front, back and to the side of other individuals outside of your family unit. We encourage every adult to wear a mask but it is not mandatory.

For individuals who are not comfortable attending onsite services, teaching will be recorded and posted to the VFC website.


During this restart season, we will SCREEN EVERY INDIVIDUAL that comes to the campus. Screening involves a temperature check, and the ability to answer “NO” to the following questions:

  • Have you been around anyone who has tested positive to covid-19 within the past 14 days?
  • Has anyone in your home exhibited symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, or headaches, lethargy and vomiting in the past 24 hours?

Please, screen yourself before coming to church.

SOCIAL DISTANCING: We will practice physical distancing as mandated by the governor. Families may group and sit together. Please, use common courtesy and stay 6 feet away, front, back and to the side of other individuals outside of your family unit.

LIMITED CHILDCARE: At this time, NO NUSERY is available for children under 24 months. Babies should remain in the sanctuary with a parent during the 10AM service.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: During the 10AM service, children (2-years-old through 5th Grade) meets in the Cafeteria Building (building two). A separate classroom will house the 2-3 year-olds and the older children remain with Pastor Ruthie and the team in the cafeteria area.

KIDS DROP-OFF & PICK-UP: Drop off and pickup for children’s services are at the double-glass doors of the cafeteria building. All children will be screened before entering. Screening involves a temperature check, and the ability to answer “NO” to the following questions:

  • Have you been around anyone who has tested positive to covid-19 within the past 14 days?
  • Has anyone in your home exhibited symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, or headaches, lethargy and vomiting in the past 24 hours?

Parents drop their kids off at the screening table but are NOT permitted past the screening area. Pickup is at the same location.


Enter through the MAIN ENTRANCE double-glass doors and/or handicap door available by the playground near Waxler Drive. Adults will be screened before entering the sanctuary.

We encourage every adult to wear a mask but it is not mandatory.


The bathrooms on the upper level of the church building are available, however, we discourage use while at the church service.  If bathrooms are used, cleaning supplies are available and each person is asked to clean up after themselves: sink handles, commode seats, door handles and light switches.


We will be limiting access within our buildings. The downstairs area of the church building is currently off-limits.

ALSO: No Wednesday night services will be in session at this time. We will let you know when that changes. VFC Youth are talking; Pastor Andrew and Pastor Angela will reach out to you to give you updated plans. The return of Tuesday Morning Onsite Intercession will be announced at a later time.