When Life Gets Difficult


by Andrew Isley

Andrew Isley of Valley Fellowship Church in Huntsville, Alabama encourages us from 1 Peter 4:12-13. When life gets difficult, remember: God is still in control; difficulties are about making you who you are supposed to be; glory and victory are just around the corner.

Lord, I don’t get it!

Lord, I Don’t Get It!

by Pastor Greg Simon

Do you ever wish you were young enough to be comforted by crawling up in the lap of someone you know that loves you?

Rational minds can have a hard time understanding many things. Because I live in a body and my earthly experience is so grounded in time and space, many concepts are difficult to understand. But . . . I want to understand.

I really want to understand. Sometimes, I just don’t get it! I wish I understood how God knows everything I have done and will ever do. I can’t completely understand eternity or heaven. Creation is a huge subject. God’s speaks – boom! – life is created, but none of us were alive to witness it. I have studied the subject deeply but still wrestle with the tension between God’s sovereignty and my own free choice. Why the cross; why was Roman capital punishment the method preselected for Christ’s death? Why are some people instantly healed and others struggle with seemingly life-long pains? I want God to tell me why some of the most righteous people I have known died much earlier than I would have liked. I think many people at times struggle with that “betrayal barrier” – feeling as if God has somehow not done what we thought He should do. Continue reading “Lord, I don’t get it!”

Pastor Carol Simon speaking on March 15, 2020

“Faith For This Hour”

This encouraging message by Pastor Carol Simon will delivered on Sunday, March 15, 2020. The Bible reveals how to have courage, even in the face of difficulty. The Lord says,  “…don’t panic, I am with you …” (Isaiah 41:9 MSG). The psalmist praised, “You are the place of protection for me. I keep coming back to hide myself in you (Psalm 71:3 TPT)” and “His wrap-around presence will strengthen me.(Psalm 33:20 TPT).” We choose: Fear or Faith, Doubt or Trust, Anxiety or Peace. What do you want in your life? Click below to watch video from Sunday.


March 15 Sunday Day of Prayer

Valley Fellowship united in-person to pray on Sunday, 10AM, March 15, 2020.

God is good and He is near us. Our Lord is “an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). He will not abandon us even in the face of daunting anxiety or pandemic assault. We are people of the Word and we hold to His promises. We joined the Day of Prayer knowing the Lord hears the prayers of His people.

We encourage you to use wisdom during this time. We honor community while practicing common sense. Look for helpful links on our Resources page. When I was young, my dad regularly reminded, “This too shall pass.” Though this situation is concerning, it will come to an end. Stay connected. Continue to support and pray for each other.

Exercise wise precautions. Ordinary safeguards are helpful. Stay home if you aren’t feeling well. Hand-washing and hand-sanitizers are good things. Praying and encouraging ourselves with Scripture is essential. 

God isn’t pacing heaven’s throne room, wondering what to do now. Don’t allow fear to cripple you. The Lord is faithful and His promises are true. Read His Word and remind yourself of His goodness. Heavenly Father is too great and too good for us not to wait expectantly for Him (Psalm 42:5).

Patti and I are praying with you, believing that God’s wisdom will guide our decisions. We hope you worship. Thank you for standing with us as we continue to love neighbors and nations!

Pastor Greg Simon

Four Doors to Joy in Life

Four Simple Ways to Experience Joy in Life by Pastor Greg Simon

Are you ready to open the door to joy? God designed us for His joy and has promised an inner supply of joy by His Spirit. God fills us with joy that is separate from any circumstance. Even in the middle of bad news, painful relationships, or unstable economics, we can have God’s joy strengthening our actual lives.

Continue reading “Four Doors to Joy in Life”

Prayer Changes Things

Prayer Changes Things

We value fervent prayer.

Prayer is the God-designed method for obtaining what we need and for accomplishing God’s purposes – in an area, in a church, in a family, and even into the smallest details of our personal lives. Prayer is powerful in the face of every situation – problems, joys, conflicts, conversations, victories, and defeats. Prayer changes people’s destinies. We never realize fully the dramatic changes God orchestrates in response to persistent prayer. Continue reading “Prayer Changes Things”