Worship Moment 4-8-20 Run Into His Presence

WORSHIP MOMENT “Run Into His Presence”

Led by Kimmie Simon, ORU Worship Director

“Run freely into His presence; run freely into His grace!” Kimmie Simon is the youngest daughter of Pastor Greg and Patti Simon of Valley Fellowship Church in Huntsville, Alabama. Kimmie currently serves as the Worship Director for Oral Roberts University. This worship set was filmed inside the ORU Prayer Tower located in the middle of ORU’s campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

VFC Palm Sunday Event 4-5-20


Announcements, Biblical teaching, and worship targeting Sunday morning, but you can watch anytime. After watching, hopefully you can also join the Zoom Church Gatheting at 11AM on Sunday, April, 5. To join Zoom, enter the ID: 789-179-0476. The password to the meeting is Valley.

Pastor Greg preaches from Luke 19 concerning the Original Palm Sunday Parade, and asks, “Did Jesus prepare His Own parade?” Kimmie Simon leads worship that includes the song “When You Walk Into the Room.” Pastor Carol encourages contentment. Galen and Amy Euting stir us to pray and to reach out to neighbors.

What Scripture are you Meditating


by Pastor Greg Simon

Our minds are constantly dwelling on something. A decisive factor between contentment or confusion, peace or burnout, confidence or inadequacy – is often where we direct our thoughts! What will we meditate? What we will entertain? Will we let God’s Word dictate our contemplation? Where we will direct our thoughts?

THANK YOU – Rod Thornberry, Rusty and Becky Campbell, and Pastor Carol Simon for sharing Scriptures with us.

VFC Sunday Event 3-29-2020

VFC SUNDAY EVENT March 29, 2020

The pastoral team of Valley Fellowship shares worship, Biblical teaching, and announcements targeted for Sunday morning, March 29, 2020. Pastor Carol Simon encourages us from the Book of Psalms. Kimberlyn Simon, the Worship Director of Oral Roberts University, leads a time of worship. Pastor Patti Simon reveals “The Blessing of the Land of Goshen”. Stay tuned at the end for annoucements.

VFCA UPDATE March 26 2020 Patti Simon


by Patti Simon (Head of School)

Patti Simon gives a March 26, 2020, update concerning alternative education and the remaining academic year. VFCA Updates are posted at vfchristianacademy.com, but we thought the information might be helpful.

How to Join Zoom Meeting

How to Join a Zoom Meeting

by Jared Johnston

Jared Johnston provides a tutorial for Valley members. Valley has a zoom gathering planned for Sunday morning 11:00 AM on March 29, 2020. Also, the Men’s Study on Wednesday 6:30 PM is using Zoom.

Worship Moment 3-22-20 No Fear

“No Fear” Worship

by Pastors Patti and Greg Simon

No matter what weaknesses and insecurities we face, God is our strength and security! “The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies.” (Psalms‬ ‭118:6-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬) We can find rest and refuge in Him when doubts and fears stir within us.

The writer of Hebrews boldly restates the promise, “So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” (Hebrews‬ ‭13:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬) Our shitzu Peyton is a great illustration of peace, not overly worried as long as she is in our presence.

VNMinistry Update March 2020

Update from Hal and Jane Ward currently in Pamplona, Spain

Hal and Jane’s passion for Christ and their love for the Basque people inspires their missions efforts. Please, continue to pray for them as they “shelter-in-place” many miles from their children and extended family who are in the United States.

The vision of VNMinistry.com is to help people establish intimate relationships with Christ in Europe, to know the love of the Father God and the work of His Holy Spirit in them. How do they do that? They sow the gospel among the Basque in Spain and France using their languages and culture in ways that will reach this generation. They plant and strengthen national churches with ministry to all ages developing active communities of believers. They cultivate the growth of new believers and train leaders. And, they send believers to sow the Gospel in their city and other nations.

For more than 20 years, our congregation has partnered with Hal and Jane Ward and their ministry and outreach in northern Spain and southern France. Pictured below is our Valley team on a recent mission outreach with Hal and Jane. Part of time together involved Spain for street evangelism in Basque using a drama/musical that Jane authored.  On the way to Pamplona (the day before this picture was taken) we ate lunch in a Basque village. Our waiter there was very friendly. The next day, he was in Pamplona and saw us performing the Basque drama “Aita” in the main square. God is so amazing… the entire team greeted him. God wanted him to know he loves him and has a plan for his life!

VFC Short-Term Mission team in Pamplona with VNMinistry.com


Psalm 46 Retelling

Sometimes the storms don’t miss us.

by Pastor Greg Simon

Storms in our lives don’t mean our loving Heavenly Father has left us. God wants to be with us. We can abide with our Lord who offers to abide with us.

Years ago, R.C. Sproul (Presbyterian pastor who died in 2017) was asked, “What, in your opinion, is the greatest spiritual need in the lives of church people?” Sproul responded, “To discover the true identity of God. If believers really understood the character and the personality and the nature of God, it would revolutionize their lives.” God really loves His people. He really loves you – especially when you feel the stormy winds of trouble, isolation, or delay.

We may be shut-away from lots of people, but physically distance from other humans does not equate to distance from God. God is not confined to one place; He was God of all places. He is a God with a purpose for His people. He is God on the move. He wants to move at your house, right now!

We begin to understand God’s purpose for our lives by discovering what He wants us to do now! When we follow Holy Spirit’s leading, we know we are where God wants we, whether we’re moving or staying in one place. You and I are physically somewhere right now. Instead of praying, “God, what do you want me to do next?” ask, “God, what do you want me to do while I’m right here?

God’s invitation to us in paraphrased in Hebrew 4:16 TPT, “So now we come freely and boldly to where love is enthroned, to receive mercy’s kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness.”

Why not take a moment and worship God using the the powerful prayer of Psalm 46? “God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in time of trouble — more than enough and always available whenever I need you. So we will never fear even if every structure of support were to crumble away. We will not fear even when the earth quakes and shakes, moving mountains and casting them into the sea. For the raging roar of stormy winds and crashing waves cannot erode our faith in you.” (Psalm 46:1-2 TPT)

The ideas behind the 2-min video you can watch below are drawn from the words of Psalm 46.