Update from Hal and Jane Ward currently in Pamplona, Spain
Hal and Jane’s passion for Christ and their love for the Basque people inspires their missions efforts. Please, continue to pray for them as they “shelter-in-place” many miles from their children and extended family who are in the United States.
The vision of VNMinistry.com is to help people establish intimate relationships with Christ in Europe, to know the love of the Father God and the work of His Holy Spirit in them. How do they do that? They sow the gospel among the Basque in Spain and France using their languages and culture in ways that will reach this generation. They plant and strengthen national churches with ministry to all ages developing active communities of believers. They cultivate the growth of new believers and train leaders. And, they send believers to sow the Gospel in their city and other nations.
For more than 20 years, our congregation has partnered with Hal and Jane Ward and their ministry and outreach in northern Spain and southern France. Pictured below is our Valley team on a recent mission outreach with Hal and Jane. Part of time together involved Spain for street evangelism in Basque using a drama/musical that Jane authored. On the way to Pamplona (the day before this picture was taken) we ate lunch in a Basque village. Our waiter there was very friendly. The next day, he was in Pamplona and saw us performing the Basque drama “Aita” in the main square. God is so amazing… the entire team greeted him. God wanted him to know he loves him and has a plan for his life!