by Pastor Greg & Patti Simon
We are praying for you, knowing that God is still on the throne. Our lovingly Heavenly Father is not wringing His hands, worried about what to do next. God will safely guide us through this difficult season.
Here on earth, we contend for the unity of our local Body. God’s Word commands us, “Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace” (Ephesians 4:3 NLT). We are all facing this challenging time together. We have had to adjust to not seeing one another nearly enough!
Challenges we all face include not meeting together regularly, not staying connected to the Body, and not staying spiritually feed. In reality, you need the Body and the Body of Christ needs you. Valley Fellowship offers opportunities for you to stay connected and spiritually fed while also staying physically healthy.
Recently, Madison County was designated as a high risk area. Health Officer Dr. Karen Landers asked residents to utilize face masks in Madison County. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the updated health order requires most individuals (older than two years old) to wear face coverings in public places in Madison County. Although not mandated, face coverings are strongly recommended for congregants at worship services.
Though places of worship have specific exception, we ask everyone attending in-person worship services at Valley Fellowship Church to wear a face mask.
If you cannot safely wear a mask, we recommend that you connect with us online rather than in-person. Join the Sunday 1:00 PM Zoom Meeting that includes short teaching, prayer, and fellowship.
We practice healthy cleaning and sanitation practices, physical distancing, and wearing face masks, but above all, we trust in the Lord. Thank you for your cooperation. We will keep you informed of changes as we move forward. We hope that the current high risk level in our county will be lowered in a short time.
Please, reach out to us, reach out to one another, and reach out to your greater church family. “Try your best to let God’s Spirit keep your hearts united” (Ephesians 4:3 CEV). Do your best to connect on a weekly basis. Let’s stay healthy spiritually and physically!
We love you and are praying for you daily!
Greg and Patti Simon
We recognize the need for heighten precautions including the use of face masks. A face covering is defined as a device to cover the nose and mouth of a person to impede the spread of saliva or other fluids during speaking, coughing, sneezing, or other intentional or involuntary action. Medical-grade masks are not required. Coverings may be made from scarves, bandanas, or other fabrics. Face coverings create a barrier between a person’s face and the air around him or her. Face coverings prevent people from spreading respiratory droplets and can prevent them from acquiring the virus from others.
Beginning this Sunday, July 12, we are no longer offering the 8:30AM service. We continue to offer the Sunday 10:00AM Service. We have also added a Sunday 1:00PM Zoom Meeting.
Children and youth ministry have shifted to online offering until further notice. We have immediately suspended separate in-person Children’s ministry. VFC Kids will NOT be meeting in Building 2 on Sunday. Children may sit with a parent/family in the sanctuary during the Sunday 10:00 AM Service, but we ask that everyone older than 2 years wear a face mask. Parents, guardians and caregivers are responsible for the proper masking of children over age 2, and ensuring face coverings do not pose a choking hazard for children and can be worn safely without obstructing a child’s ability to breathe.
The Sunday 10:00 AM Service continues but all who attend should wear a face mask. For effective communication and public ministry, those speaking/singing on the platform may remove their face mask. The speaker/singer/musician on the platform will seek at least 6 feet distance from other persons (not a part of their family).
We need to do all we can to limit the spread of COVID-19. Wearing a face covering in public is a measure that can hinder transmission of the virus. We continue to exercise courteous six foot physical-distancing practices. We assess temperature and ask health screening questions as people enter the facilities. We also ask that individuals check their temperatures before coming to the church property. If you are not feeling well, please stay at home until you are well and exhibit no concerning symptoms.
You are invited to connect with us on Sunday afternoon at 1:00 PM. Sunday 1:00 PM Zoom Meeting will include short teaching, prayer, and fellowship. Next Sunday, July 19, our Kenyan partners Bishop Charles and Akiiki Muyu will join us for the Zoom Meeting.