Peace in Crisis Nancy De Haas


by Nancy De Haas

Anxiety comes with life. Jesus knows the suffering connected with anxiety. Anxiety is one of the most contagious emotions that we can experience. We all have habitual and patterned ways of managing anxiety. BUT, there is hope. All of us can develop a calm practice that centers us and keeps us from defaulting to these behavioral patterns. We can have calm, a perceptive mindfulness and ability to manage emotional reactivity. Our calm can be as contagious as the anxiety. Watch the video to learn much more.

How do we have peace in crisis, poise in chaos? How do we learn to be calm in today’s turbulent times? What is your life communicating to those around you? We can have impact in our relationships, in our home, on our teams, and in our communities.

Nancy De Haas, MA, LPC-S, Founder & Director of Valley Christian Counseling, is an active member of Valley Fellowship Church in Huntsville, Alabama. Nancy has been in private practice over twenty years and is a licensed professional counselor specializing in individual, marriage and family counseling. Nancy partners with our church on international mission trips where she speaks on child abuse awareness, gives sexual abuse training presentations, and provides safety protection classes.

Valley Christian Counseling (VCC) exists to offer hope, help, and healing through licensed professionals who are committed Christians. More information about the services provided by VCC is available at