Who We Are
Valley Fellowship Church in Huntsville, AL
Founded in 1980, Valley Fellowship Church is a Spirit-empowered community of Christian faith made up of people from many backgrounds. From our home in the urban center of Huntsville, Alabama, we touch our city, Madison county, the Tennessee Valley region, and the world. We glorify the Lord Jesus Christ as we love and serve neighbors and nations.
We come together to fulfill the purposes of God, are structured according to a Biblical pattern, are living a lifestyle of Biblical beliefs, and are united in their pursuit of Biblical objectives. We have a passion for God’s presence and believe each individual benefits from experiencing the presence of God in their personal life and in our corporate gatherings. Heart-felt worship is the appropriate response to His presence and the presence of God is a driving force in all that we do in our ministry.
Do you have personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
Maybe you clicked here today checking out Christianity, or maybe you’re returning to the faith of your childhood, or maybe you’re not even sure there is a God. We are thankful that you took the time to read this. You are welcome with your doubt, uncertainty, or questions and we pray God will reveal the truth about Himself to you.
Because of Jesus’ resurrection, His followers enjoy a vital, personal relationship with Him. Jesus Christ lives today and offers a new beginning for all those who trust and obey Him. French physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal described humanity’s need for Jesus, “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every man, which only God can fill through his Son Jesus Christ.”
Apart from Jesus Christ, every human is sinful, separated from God, and unable to know God personally or experience His love. Sin creates a great gulf that separates a person from God. People often try unsuccessfully to reach God and establish a personal relationship with Him through human efforts, such as living a good life, philosophy, or religion. But each effort inevitably fails. Why? Because Jesus Christ is the only way to bridge this divide and fill this God-shaped vacuum.
God bridged the gulf that separates us from Him by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in our place to pay the penalty for our sins. Because of God’s deep love for us, He made the necessary arrangements for us to experience His love. Jesus Christ is God’s only provision for humanity’s sin. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we can know God personally and experience God’s love. Jesus Christ made it possible to bridge the chasm which separates us from God.
You can personally know Jesus Christ and have a living relationship with Him. God loves you and created you, but it is not enough just to have a mental knowledge of this truth. We must individually welcome Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; then we can know God personally and experience His love. Welcoming Christ involves receiving His forgiveness and surrendering your life for God to make you what He wants you to be. Just to agree intellectually that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for our sins is not enough. You must receive Jesus Christ by faith, as an act of your will. You can invite Him into your life by faith right now.
God isn’t finished with us!
Christ-followers were first baptized in the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-17), but this was not a once-for-all-time event. The Holy Spirit remains active in the church today, the same as He was in the New Testament. Believers are still being filled with God’s power and being transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit. Our belief that the ministry and gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today and should be desired, sought after, and evidenced, causes many to label us as Pentecostal, Charismatic, Spirit-filled, Full Gospel, or nondenominational.
Our church is much more than a building, a marrying place, or a boring experience. Our gatherings engage the whole person in a dynamic and meaningful experience that shapes and transforms lives. God desires our local church to be an awesome church, a respected church, a culture-penetrating church. Reaching pre-Christian and not-yet-churched people is a high priority. We have a conviction that God places people in local churches of His choosing and for the good of others. We are not created to live isolated, independent lives. Through committed participation in the local church, we find instruction, encouragement, connection and unconditional love.

Our Team
Greg & Patti Simon, Lead Pastors
Greg and Patti Simon are the lead pastors of Valley Fellowship Church. They met during their time at Oral Roberts University (ORU) in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and married in 1987. Joining the staff of VFC in 1988, they served as associate pastors, teachers, worship leaders, and children’s pastors before stepping into the role of senior pastors in 1993. Greg loves his beautiful wife Patti, and together they have two wonderful daughters. Rosalyn and Kimberlyn are both graduates of Valley Fellowship Christian Academy and ORU. Greg and Patti appreciate old movies on television and vacations to Orange Beach. They are passionate about what the Lord is doing at VFC but they also regularly speak, pray, and direct worship at gatherings across the area, in various states, and around the world.
Born in New Orleans as a son of Southern Baptist missionary parents, Greg traveled the world, living for years in Uganda, Kenya, and Taiwan. He graduated from a rural public high school in Gilbert, Louisiana, completed an ORU English Bible B.A. degree in 1988, and finished an ORU master’s degree in practical theology in 2003. When asked as a child where his home was, Greg answered, “On the road!” Since 1984, Greg has called Huntsville “home” but he and Patti regularly travel on short-term missions.
Patti grew up in Boise, Idaho, where her parents were faithful members of Central Assembly of God led by Pastor Roland Buck and later, Pastor Ted Buck. Patti still enjoys Idaho outdoor sports like snow-skiing, boating, snowmobiling, 4-wheeling, and riding motorcycles. As the VFC Missions Pastor, Patti prepares and enthusiastically participates in trips to the nations. As the VFCA Head of School (Administrator), Patti contends for Christian education. One of her favorite verses is Matthew 19:6, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Patti earned an ORU B.A. in elementary education in 1986 and was honored as the “Most Outstanding Masters Candidate from the ORU School of Education” with her M.A. in school administration in 2006. As an accreditation site chair for International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA), she travels encouraging Christian schools around the world. She serves on the board of Oral Roberts University Educational Fellowship (ORUEF), and in 2009, Patti was honored as the 2009 ORUEF/ICAA Administrator of the Year. She is also a part of the Christian School Alliance (CSA) and the Huntsville Madison Private School Association (HMPSA).
Greg seeks spiritual awakening and Christian renewal in the Tennessee Valley area. He speaks into ministry directed toward the Spanish world as Chairman of the Board of Vino Nuevo Ministry. Greg is also a long-time New Orleans Saints football fan and he reveled in their January 2010 Super Bowl victory. “Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints?”
God continues to open doors for Greg and Patti including co-laboring with Ivan Tait in Central America, Charles Muyu in East Africa, Nassan Ibrahim in Uganda, Eric Mukwenda in Tanzania, and George Gonzalez in Columbia, Peru, and Brazil.

Carol Simon, Co-Pastor
Carol Simon serves as co-pastor at Valley Fellowship Church. She is a graduate of Clarke Memorial College and Blue Mountain College with work on her MRE at New Orleans Baptist Seminary. She married Jerry Simon in 1965, and they served in pastorates in the southeastern United States before becoming missionaries in Uganda, East Africa and Taiwan. They came to Valley in 1984. Carol founded VFCA and continued a daily radio ministry for over 12 years. She has been in full-time ministry for over 46 years. At Jerry’s death in 1993, she became co-pastor with her son, Greg and his wife, Patti.
Carol has three children: Pastor Greg Simon, Barry Simon, and Kim Henderson. She has eight grandchildren. Family is very important to her and she praises God that all her children serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
Carol continues to do mission work in various countries. God has given her the opportunity to travel in more than 30 countries. The continent of Africa remains dear to her heart. While serving in Uganda in 1971 she received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. She was hungry for God; supernaturally, God visited her and her life was greatly changed. Dreams, visions, and encounters with God have impacted her tremendously, while prayer and intercession take priority in her life.
Proverbs 3:5-6 are verses that have fed, healed, and guided Carol. At the time of Jerry’s death and the following months, Carol repeatedly meditated these verses. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”
To get in touch with Valley Fellowship Church, contact us today by calling (256) 533-5117 during our office hours. We look forward to hearing from you.